
Media Contacts

Access to Over 1.5 Million Contacts

Our Database Saves You Time

The brand story and news that you need to deliver are going nowhere if you don’t get the information to the right people. Get quick access to more than 1.5 million valuable media contacts — all in one place! News Exposure does the legwork so you can have a PR contact list created specifically for your target audience. Our regularly updated database provides the names and contact profiles of journalists and media influencers that allow you to reach thousands of newspapers, broadcast outlets, websites and trade publications. Our global database also includes freelancers, bloggers, podcasters and other increasingly important influencers, as well as editorial opportunities (Ed Cals) and trade shows.

Build custom lists by filtering results in a number of different ways. This allows you to easily distribute your communications to only the most relevant people and media outlets. Then, save your targeted search criteria so that, over time, you can update your national media contact list, as well as a global list if your company has a worldwide customer base.

A typical company or agency expends a lot of resources to develop a brand story or craft a critical news release. To share these efforts with as many customers, clients and prospects as possible, it’s vital to reach out to the right contacts on your press list. Our easy-to-use media directory facilitates your access to these contacts who work across numerous platforms, both digital and traditional. With this information, you can even make personalized pitches to contacts, potentially increasing the chances they will share your story.

News Exposure’s Unique Features

Our reliable, accurate media contact and journalist database allows you to enhance your connections, target the right people and publications, and identify additional areas for coverage. Features include:

  • Time-stamped quarterly updates
  • Flat-rate solutions
  • Premium contact profiles
  • Unique star rating for social media influencers
  • Press release distribution
  • Editorial calendars

News Exposure’s media contact service provides the perfect opportunity to enhance your media relationships while simultaneously improving your brand’s image.