Welcome to the News Exposure blog! We are excited to bring you our expert advice and thought leadership from our 20 years of expertise working in the media monitoring industry. We will use this blog to help educate our clients and contribute to the larger discussion on media monitoring and public relations measurement. In such a fast paced environment, we feel privileged to have your attention and hope to bring a fresh perspective to the larger conversation in our industry.
If you’re reading this, you probably know who we are or have an idea.
News Exposure has been around for a number of years, formerly known as Media Monkey Biz, and has made significant strides in adapting to the current marketplace. Innovation is what has kept us around for so long. We are headquartered in the great city of Chicago and most of our workforce operates out of our flagship location on the Northside of Downtown Chicago. However – our operation extends far beyond the Windy City; we have employees all over the country including Missouri, Hawaii, New Jersey, and Ohio. This allows us to not only service more areas of the country, but bring different perspectives to media monitoring in the sense that we are geographically spread out.
So, what does News Exposure do? This is a common question that all of our employees field from friends, family, potential clients, and people we encounter every day. The answer isn’t so simple. We do a lot.
From measuring media coverage to curating special media related reports – the scope of work that News Exposure conducts is vast.
Let’s start with what we are:
News Exposure is a media monitoring firm that offers a plethora of services that helps you manage media coverage relevant to your brand or service. We monitor TV/Radio, Social Media, Print, and Internet outlets for specific keyword mentions so we can capture everything related to your brand or organization. Our account managers have a combined 50+ years of experience building Boolean keyword searches. You can rest assured if you use our service, you have the support of seasoned industry veterans.
One of our newest offerings comes in the form of measurement services which allows those in the public relations and media relations space to better understand the “why” behind the data that we work hard to capture. Our fully staffed media analysis department works tirelessly each day to review media stories that our clients generate in the media. In review of those stories, our analysts evaluate sentiment, determine key messaging, and assess the overall media landscape relevant to your brand. Whether in the form of a quarterly report or a daily analysis briefing, our custom analysis solutions have become a major part of our every day at News Exposure.
News Exposure has a fully staffed broadcast department that works diligently each day to produce actual clips of TV/Radio placements that our clients order from us. In a world driven by automation, particularly in media monitoring, this is one aspect of our business that we keep human driven.
Our Executive News Briefing service, a daily briefing that highlights key media stories about your brand each day, is unique in the fact that humans curate each report by hand rather than using automation. We take it a step further, too, when other companies don’t. We’re adding a mix of media analysis to these reports. You’re not only getting a report that highlights the key media stories of the day, validated by analysts, but you’re getting a mix of key metrics in a dashboard format so you can keep an eye on what is moving the needle for your brand/company.
News Exposure is not:
An automated service that you have to manage yourself. Too often we hear from clients that subscribe to a SAAS (Software as a Service) platform and spend more time managing that platform than they do paying attention to mission critical tasks for their own organization. With News Exposure, you have an account manager from the moment you are on board with News Exposure. Your account manager becomes your dedicated contact who is available during business hours and beyond. We’ll never leave you alone to figure it out on your own.
We are constantly innovating new processes and products to help our clients manage their workloads each day. The best part of it all? These new innovations are often driven by a specific need of our client. We are constantly learning and adapting to the marketplace and the ever changing media monitoring industry.
We hope you will continue to visit our blog as we continue to produce content we feel will help you gain a better understanding of the challenges that your peers face each day. Our expert advice doesn’t start and end with this blog, either. Send us an email, give us a call. Let’s talk about your specific needs and shape a program around mission critical efforts.